Buch: International Conference on Production Research ICPR 21 - Conference Proceedings
International Conference on Production Research ICPR 21 - Conference Proceedings
Hrsg.: Dieter Spath, Rolf Ilg, Tobias Krause; Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart; International Foundation for Production Research IFPR
2011, , num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-0293-5

The ICPR is regarded worldwide as one of the leading conferences promoting research in the fields of production research and industrial engineering. At the 21st ICPR, scientists from over 35 countries presented and discussed new and innovative ideas in more than 400 contributions. One of the main themes of the 21st ICPR concentrated on methods for promoting the development and growth of innovative products and innovations in the manufacturing industry.

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